Your top 3 tools for reducing anxiety
Recently I’ve been teaching a Yoga Therapy for Anxiety workshop at a number of great studios in South-East Queensland. In yoga therapy we work from the principle that a human being is made up of five aspects: physical; mental; how they use their energy; their sense of connection to themselves; and how they experience joy

Your Body Is Not A Moshpit – how to stay healthy and out of trouble on tour.
Full disclosure: up until about 12 years ago my body was most definitely a moshpit and I did not stay either healthy nor out of trouble on tour. I wasn’t the worst you’ve ever seen, but I’ve certainly woken up fully clothed with a cigarette stuck to my face and a carnage-laden room full of

The Terrorist Inside – the ninja move for beating anxiety
Many years ago I decided to learn to deep-sea dive. I loved ocean documentaries and wanted to see all the cool stuff that was down there with my own eyes. I booked myself on a course and was excited to get started. So imagine my surprise when I discovered that I was completely freaked out

4 Ways to Beat Sedentary Habits and Live Longer
Sitting down is killing us. Numerous studies show that, whilst many of us need to increase our moderate to high-impact exercise, the really dangerous aspect of modern life lurks in every office, every home and every cafe. Yes, the humble chair is a wolf in sheep’s clothing; a veritable serial killer in your sitting room.

4 Ways to Reduce Anxiety, Now
Racing heart, shallow breath, dry mouth, jittery stomach, fear, mind swirling with ‘what ifs’, wanting to be somewhere, anywhere, but where you are right now….. Studies suggest that between 1 in 6 and and 1 in 10 of us in western society suffer from excessive anxiety which adversely affects our lives. Some of us will

New to Yoga? 5 reasons why retreats are for you!
When I chat to people about my love of running yoga retreats, one of the comments I often hear is: ‘I’d love to go on a retreat but I’m not experienced enough at yoga’. I understand! I went on my first retreat by myself just a few months after setting foot on a mat for

The Relaxation Response – how to feel calmer and sleep better
Anxiety and insomnia are, unfortunately, very common in modern life. We’re constantly on alert from various devices, much of our work involves looking at screens, and few of us take enough time out amongst nature and do enough truly restorative things to redress the balance. It all makes for an overstimulated mind and body, which

The Four Attitudes
Ah, Christmas. A time of peace on Earth and goodwill to all… which is easy to feel at some times during the festive season, and definitely not at others! Family gatherings are notorious for bringing out the worst in people, and it’s times like these, when we get triggered and slip into old behaviours we

After The Storm
The storm started innocuously enough. I was busy backing up my computer hard drive and didn’t even notice it had started raining until the hammering on the metal roof became so insistent that I went to look outside. There were rumbles of thunder, but that’s nothing unusual in the Queensland summer – minor storms can