
Becky Pell is a yoga teacher who has also spent the last 18 years travelling internationally with concert tours as a sound engineer. She teaches yoga to band and crew members, as well as offering targeted courses and workshops when she is not on the road. Her aim is to help people integrate yoga into their everyday lives and empower them towards self-practice, so they can share the incredible benefits of yoga and meditation that have transformed her own life. She is passionate about furthering her knowledge of yoga, and is currently training as a meditation therapist, chair yoga instructor and holistic counsellor. Becky is married with a teenage stepdaughter,and divides her time between Australia and her native England.

Awakenings – are we sleepwalking our way through life?

It’s been said that we never really experience the world, just our own nervous systems. Everything we come into contact with, we see through the distorted lens of our own life experiences, beliefs, impressions, prejudices, likes and dislikes, ego-identifications, hopes and fears. The Eastern philosophies of Yoga and Buddhism are systems to help us to …

Awakenings – are we sleepwalking our way through life? Read More »

Un-becoming… what’s behind your facade?

I feel incredibly fortunate to have three teachers with whom I study every week. A former Buddhist monk and psychotherapist who I’ve known for almost a decade; a renowned Tantrik scholar and author; and a yoga teacher with forty-five years of teaching experience, whose own teacher was Desikachar (son of Krishnamacharya, the ‘godfather’ of modern …

Un-becoming… what’s behind your facade? Read More »

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